Keep scrolling down for 28,094 photos, club magazine scans and memorabilia mainly from the UK in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s...

I've put captions on most of the photos. If you can't see them after clicking on the photo, click the 'Info' icon (an 'i' in a white circle) and a white side bar should open with the caption at the bottom.

...last updated 01/05/2024

All 89 of my Time Travel Videos are now on Youtube and you can find them here...

Time Travel Videos

For other Drag Racing History Videos on my Youtube Channel from the 1960s - 1990s click here...

Drag Racing History Videos

For other Hot Rodding History Videos on my Youtube Channel from the 1970s - 1990s click here...

Hot Rodding History Videos

For Historic Audio Recordings click here...

Sounds of the Drags

And for Pioneer Drag Racer's and Hot Rodder's Stories click here... 

This year sees the 60th anniversary of the 1st British International Drag Festival and I've done a race report for each of the three weekends...

Find more stories like this here...

British Drag Racing and Hot Rodding Photo Galleries...

Andrew Stawiarski sent me a package of photos from 1976 - 1999 including many of bikes taken mainly at Santa Pod with a few from Long Marston and North Weald...

more to follow...

Maurice Takoor met John Bennett in 1963 and became a member of the BHRA. He also became photographic editor on Drag Racing & Hot Rod magazine and later worked with John at Spa Engineering.

From 1968 to 1978 Maurice along with John Hill worked as the tech crew at Santa Pod.

In the early ‘90s Maurice organised a 30th anniversary BHRA Meet which was well attended and led to the forming of the BHRA Pioneers Club open to anyone who was involved in drag racing in the 1960s.

Maurice has amassed a huge archive collection over the years which I have scanned and sorted into the galleries below...

Further down there are many galleries featuring Brian Sparrow's photos and memorabilia. Here's some more from two recently found photo albums along with Brian's programme collection including Sprints, Speed Trials and Speed Hill Climbs from 1954 - 1965...

Antony Billinton's photos were mostly taken by either Tony Densham, Peter Billinton (Antony's dad), Susan (one of Antony's three sisters), or by Antony himself. Tony owned a nice Hasselblad camera and Peter had an Asahi Pentax which Antony still has today. They developed a large portion of the black and white photos in their own darkroom at 8 Tate Road Sutton. 

The photo collection includes detailed shots of the Worden, Commuter and Firefly dragsters along with build up shots of Santa Pod Raceway, the timing equipment and many of the other cars and bikes running during the 60s and 70s.

There are nearly 2000 images in the collection and I will be splitting them up into galleries and publishing them as I go.

All of Antony's photos are copyright and should not be reproduced without permission...

more to follow...

Paul Bambrick took some great photos in the late 70s and early 80s. Here's his gallery...

Here are most of the British Drag Racing Association newsletters from 1965 and 1966 taken from Derek Metcalf and Chris Pattison's collections. If you have anymore please let me know...

Derek Metcalf was one of the first racers to do a story for the Pioneer Series published on Eurodragster. Since then he has given us some fantastic photos and memorabilia from 1964 - 1968...

Chris Pattison won the Works Allard Dragon in a competition in 1965. This is his gallery of 1960s memorabilia... 

Colin Gill took some great pics from 1969 - 1978 at Woodvale and Santa Pod...

These slides were recently found and scanned by Andrew Hurdle. They were taken by Ronald Barker, who was Technical Editor of Autocar magazine at the time...

Dave Dick lent me around 1000 slides and negatives from the late 70s and early 80s, mainly from Custom Car Shows and Rod Runs. Back then Dave got to borrow some of his dad's top of the range cameras, creating some quality images...

John Hunt ran a Daimler V8 Dragster in the early 80s. He also took some great pics in the 70s/80s and kept plenty of timing tickets, rule books, newspaper cuttings and other memorabilia, enough to fill 12 galleries! Not only that but he wrote his story for Eurodragster which can be found here...

I used Brian Sutton's slides and cine film in my first Time Travel Video back in 1995. These are his slides from 1965 - 1969...

Marty Babb ran several dragsters from the early 70s to the 80s and managed to get some great start line shots...

These are Glyn Jones' pics from New York Raceway 1979 - 1980...

Robin Acock started Drag Racing in an H/Production Austin A40 in 1970 then got Harold Bull to build him a Jag Slingshot which he called Cthulhu 2 and ran until 1976. Here's his pics from 1969 - 1970...

here's a short film of Robin's Cthulhu 2 slingshot at Snetterton 1974...

Here's Pete Crane's archives including photos, letters, magazine reports and timing tickets from 1960 - 1980...

Pete Crane archives 1960 - 1974

Pete Crane archives 1974 - 1980

Some of Paul Rees' pics from the early 70s taken at Santa Pod and Silverstone...

Paul Rees pics 1971 - 1974

The Southern Roadsters of Portsmouth were formed in 1969 and this is the programme from their 5th annual Rod Run at Beaulieu in 1976 which includes a history of the club and features on some of their cars...

Southern Roadsters Rod Run 1976 programme

My pics from Beaulieu 1976

The British Drag Racing & Hot Rod Association brought out their first News Sheet in June 1970 after the demise of Drag Racing & Hot Rod Magazine. In August 1970 it was given the title Kool Kams, the name originally used for the journal of the BHRA and ran until November 1971 when it became Drag Racing News...

News Sheet no1 Jun 1970

News Sheet no2 Jul 1970

Kool Kams Aug 1970

Kool Kams Sep 1970

Kool Kams Oct 1970

Kool Kams Nov 1970

Kool Kams Dec 1970

Kool Kams Jan 1971

Kool Kams Feb/Mar 1971

Kool Kams Apr 1971

Kool Kams May 1971

Kool Kams Jun 1971

Kool Kams Jul 1971

Kool Kams Aug 1971

Kool Kams Sep 1971

Kool Kams Oct 1971

Kool Kams Nov 1971

The National Drag Racing Club was formed at the beginning of 1970 and was initially made up of racers and members of the Drag Control & Timing Association. The Club News ran from February 1970 to 1971 when it was replaced by National Drag Racer Magazine...

NDRC Club News 1970 vol1 no1

NDRC Club News 1970 vol1 no2

NDRC Club News 1970 vol1 no3

NDRC Club News 1970 vol1 no4

NDRC Club News 1970 vol1 no5

NDRC Club News 1971 vol2 no1

Bruce Eggleton built a T Bucket, ran the Pony Express altered and had a '57 Chevy convert in the 70s. He also took some colour photos at the 1964 Drag Festivals and the 1965 BHRA Big Go...

Bruce Eggleton pics 1964-65

Here's some b&w photos and colour slides I got off Ebay. 
I don't know who took them but they came from Steve Warner's collection...

Ebay pics 1960s

Ebay pics early 70s

Martin Clark snapped some great b&w and colour pics in 1965 visiting Graveley, Duxford and Woodvale...

Martin Clark pics 1965

Gary Morgan started taking pics in 1975 at the Drags, Rod Runs, Custom Car Shows, Van Runs and more Van Runs...

Gary Morgan pics 1975

Gary Morgan pics 1976

Gary Morgan pics 1977 

Gary Morgan pics 1978  

Gary Morgan pics 1979 

Gary Morgan pics 1980         

Gary Morgan pics 1981

Gary Morgan pics 1982

Gary Morgan pics 1983

Gary Morgan pics 1984 

Gary Morgan pics 1985     

Gary Morgan pics 1986 

Gary Morgan pics 1987 

Gary Morgan pics 1988 

Gary Morgan pics 1989

Top Fuel racer Andy Craddock took some pics at the Drags from the late 60s and 70s...

Andy Craddock pics 1968 - 1977

Graham Fermor's pics from the Drags and Rod Runs including some build-up shots of his Witch Hunter Ford Pop...

Graham Fermor pics 1974 - 1978 

Dave Coleman's pics of his Austin A60 pickup that was originally customised by Roger Hamilton in 1977...

WOM 749J Austin A60 pickup 

Ken Cooper has been building Hot Rods and Dragsters with flathead power in the UK since 1959. Here's some of his memorabilia and collection of British Flathead Racers Association Newsletters...

60s memorabilia

BFRA Newsletters 1974-75

BFRA Newsletters Jan-Jun 1976

BFRA Newsletters Jul-Dec 1976

BFRA Newsletters Jan-Jun 1977

BFRA Newsletters Jul-Dec 1977

BFRA Newsletters Feb-Jun 1978

BFRA Newsletters Jul-Dec 1978

BFRA Newsletters Jan-Jun 1979

BFRA Newsletters Jul-Oct 1979

BFRA Newsletters Feb-Jul 1980 

Further down you'll find Brian Sparrow's excellent pics from the 60s and early 70s. Brian was instrumental in getting drag racing started in this country and wrote numerous letters, race reports, AGM minutes etc which thankfully he kept...

1964 Drag Festival results... 1st weekend Blackbushe/Chelveston

1964 Drag Festival results... 2nd weekend Woodvale/Church Fenton

1964 Drag Festival results... 3rd weekend Kemble/Blackbushe

Letters, race results, etc... 1963

Letters, race results, etc... 1964

Letters, race results, etc... 1965

Letters, race results, etc... 1966

Letters, race results, etc... 1967-69

BHRA AGMs... 1963, 1964, 1965

BDR & HRA AGM... 1969

Mike Woods was one of the officials at the first meeting of the 1964 Drag Festivals at Blackbushe...

Mike Woods pics 1964 

Bike racer Nigel Dodd took over 100 slides at the Drags and Sprint Meetings in the late 60s and early 70s...

Nigel Dodd pics 1968 - 1975

Kool Kams : Journal for the British Hot Rod Association... These scans are from Ken Cooper and Brian Sparrow's collections...

issue 8 1961

issue 9 1962

issue 10 1962

issue 11 1962

issue 12 1962 (page 1 & 2 missing)

issue 13 1962

issue 14 1963

issue 15 1963 (There was a note inside this issue... "Sorry no photos this time. They got lost in the post. Double lot next edition.")

vol 3 no 5 Oct 1963

vol 3 no 6 Dec 1963

vol 4 no 1 Feb 1964

vol 4 no 2 Apr 1964

vol 4 no 3 Jun 1964

vol 4 no 4 Sep 1964

BHRA Newsletter Jan 1965

vol 4 no 5 Mar 1965

BHRA Newsletter Apr 1965

vol 4 no 6 May 1965

Kool Kams Extra Jun 1965

Kool Kams Extra Aug 1965

vol 4 no 7 Sep 1965

Nov 1965

Dec 1965

Surrey Street Rodder Harold Martin took many photos at rod runs and the drags in the 70s...

Tri Chevy fans Ken Robbins and his brother Pete started taking colour slides at the drags in 1965...

Tony Whitehouse sent me a few pics of his Nail Comp Altered Pop and mentioned that he had quite a collection of pics from back in the day and would I like to see them? Naturally the answer was yes so over the next few months Tony sent me several hundred pics many of which he put captions on making my job a lot easier...

Ken Sweeney’s pics cover mainly the late 70s and early 80s when he was helping out Gary and Sandra Healey with the Gary’s Shack stands at custom shows and collecting parts for the shops.
In 1980 Ken imported a ‘57 Chevy from New York and spent the next couple of years cruisin’ with the Battersea Boys, was a member of the Spirit of the Fifties club and most importantly had the foresight to capture the action with his camera...

Paul Hicks took the following 81 pictures when he was a member of the Dragons Hot Rod Club and part of the Owen, Hicks and Lingard Drag Racing Team...

Brian Surey was a founder member of the Spirit of the Fifties Club and the following galleries contain Brian’s photos and slides from 1974-1983 including some of his American cars. Some of the early pics were take by Alex Szczepanski another early SOTF member as was Pete Leddy who’s Dallas Texas pics were amongst Brian’s slides and I’ve included them here as well...

The following gallery of pics were taken by Graham Martin from the mid 60s to the mid 70s including some of his own cars and projects...

Barry George's pics from 1963 - '78 including a few of his own cars and bikes...

Dave East was a member of the Essex based hot rod club the Eastern Cruisers and took hundreds of pics going back to the first meetings at Santa Pod in 1966...

Tony Russell was crew man and general dogs body for Team Pheaton in the 60s running the Jag powered Pheaton/Limelight slingshot...

Dave Eady's collection of pics from the drags in the mid 70s...

Brian Webster got the hot rodding bug in the 50s...

Pete Blake built and ran Scarab the flying Beetle and the Sabbath Competition Altereds in the 70s as well as taking a load of pics...

Brian Sparrow is one of the pioneers of British Drag Racing and helped kick-start the sport in the early 60s. With Allan Herridge he formed Dragster Developments in 1962 and organised many of the early Drag Race meetings and Sprints. Fortunately he had a good camera and took 100’s of fantastic photos which I’ve added to the galleries below...


Dave Riswick has an ever growing collection of British Drag Racing and Hot Rodding memorabilia at his John Woolfe Racing offices in Bedford. Last time I was up there I managed to sneak out with a box of photos under my arm to scan and add to my site and where known I’ve credited the photographer... 

John Bennett formed the company National Dragways in 1965 to develop Podington Airfield into the UK's first permanent dragstrip to be known as Santa Pod Raceway...

Melvyn 'Woody' Wooding built and ran a series of doorslammers with the Blue Rose Drag Racing Team in the 1970s...

Roy Thomas kindly sent me a CD of pics that he took at Rod Shows and Drag Races from 1974 - 1981 which I’ve published in the galleries below.
The first gallery contains some rare early 60s pics he got from Dick Bird and show two of the earliest Hot Rods to be built in the UK...

Dave Coleman took some great shots at rod runs in the mid 80s...

Mick Wheeler was part of the team that ran the Juggernaut Model Y Altered in 1966 then he built Scorpion his Imp powered Dragster in 1967...

Solomon Dee's dad took the following pics at the Crystal Palace Custom Car Shows and the Drags in the early 70s...

The following galleries contain photos I’ve collected over the years and where known I’ve credited the original photographer. I’ve also used snippets from magazines, programmes, news papers etc... 

I started taking pics in 1974 and these galleries run from 1974 - 1997 and also include a few programme covers, adverts, rod shop catalogues etc...

BLACKBUSHE APRIL 1974 The Spring Smokers Meet and Hot Rod Show. 

THE RODDING SCENE JUNE 1974 A few pics of Geoff Jago’s Speed Shop.

BLACKBUSHE AUGUST 1974 The Hot Car 208 Grandnationals and Hot Rod Show.

DICK’S PLACE NOV 1974 I popped in to Dick’s Place but it was shut.

CRYSTAL PALACE JAN 1975 The 5th International Custom Car Show.

BLACKBUSHE APRIL 1975 The U.K. Open Drag Races and Hot Rod Show.

SANTA POD JULY 1975 The Drag Racing News Trophy Meeting.

BLACKBUSHE AUGUST 1975 The Hot Car 208 Grandnationals and Hot Rod Show.

OLYMPIA DEC 1975 The 1st National Custom Car Show.

CRYSTAL PALACE JAN 1976 The 1st International Drag Racing Show.

SANTA POD APRIL 1976 The 10th Anniversary Springnationals.

BEAULIEU JULY 1976 The 5th annual Southern Roadsters Rod Run.

SANTA POD AUGUST 1976 The Holiday Weekend Supernationals.

OLYMPIA DEC 1976 The 2nd National Custom Car Show.

HERSDEN JAN 1977 Hot Car Exhibition.

MY FIRST CAR Mk 1 Cortina.

BLACKBUSHE APRIL 1977 First N.D.R.C. meet of the year.

SANTA POD JUNE 1977 The Silver Jubilee Holiday Weekend Big Go.

HASTINGS PIER JULY 1977 The Hastings Cruise and Custom Club Show.

SANTA POD JULY 1977 The 8th July Internationals.

BISLEY AUGUST 1977 The 3rd N.A.S.C. Street Rod Nationals.

ARLINGTON SEPT 1977 The South Coast Cruisers Custom Show.

ALLY PALLY FEB 1978 The 3rd National Custom Car Show.

MY SECOND CAR Sunbeam Rapier.

BLACKBUSHE APRIL 1978 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing & Hot Rod Show.

SANTA POD MAY 1978 Festival of Speed.

HASTINGS PIER JULY 1978 The Ace of Clubs Show.

BRIGHTON JULY 1978 The 1st Dragster and Custom Show.

BLACKBUSHE AUGUST 1978 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing & Hot Rod Show.

SANTA POD SEPT 1978 Internationals.

SANTA POD NOV 1978 Firework Spectacular.

ALLY PALLY FEB 1979 The 4th National Custom Car Show.

SANTA POD MARCH 1979 Season Opener.

LYDDEN HILL APRIL 1979 1/8 Mile Drags.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1979 Surrey Street Rodders Wheels Day. 

SANTA POD APRIL 1979 Easter International.

GILLINGHAM MAY 1979 Rod and Custom Show.

BRIGHTON MAY 1979 Street Machine London to Brighton Cruise.

WALTHAMSTOW JUNE 1979 L. A. Roadsters Show.

GARY’S PICNIC JUNE 1979 The 1st Gary’s Picnic at Santa Pod.

SANTA POD JULY 1979 Summer Internationals.

DETLING AUGUST 1979 Show and Go.

BLACKBUSHE AUGUST 1979 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing & Hot Rod Show.

KNEBWORTH AUGUST 1979 The 5th N.A.S.C. Street Rod Nationals.

SANTA POD SEPT 1979 Gauloises World Series.

PURLEY SEPT 1979 Mid Surrey Roadsters’ Annual Show.

SANTA POD OCT 1979 Winternationals.

MY FIRST KUSTOM Mk 2 Ford Consul.

BIRMINGHAM NEC JAN 1980 The 1st World of Wheels Show.

ALLY PALLY MARCH 1980 The 5th National Custom Car Show.

EARLY IRON MARCH 1980 An interesting scrap yard.

SANTA POD APRIL 1980 Easter International.

BLACKBUSHE APRIL 1980 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing & Hot Rod Show.

BROXBOURNE MAY 1980 Smoke City Wheelers Zoo Run.

GARY’S PICNIC JUNE 1980 The 2nd Gary’s Picnic at Santa Pod.

CHICHESTER JUNE 1980 Victory Wheelers Rod Run.

BEXHILL JULY 1980 Motor Fair.

BRIGHTON JULY 1980 The 3rd Dragster and Custom Show.

BLACKBUSHE JULY 1980 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing.

DETLING AUG 1980 Mid Kent Roadsters 3rd Show & Go.

KNEBWORTH AUG 1980 6th N.A.S.C. Nationals.

SANTA POD AUG 1980 Supernationals.

EASTBOURNE AUG 1980 Eastbourne Rod & Custom Club Show.

SANTA POD SEPT 1980 World Series.

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD SEPT 1980 Gade Valley Custom Club September Showdown.

OLYMPIA JAN 1981 10th anniversary Custom Car Show.

BIRMINGHAM MARCH 1981 World of Wheels Show.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1981 S.S.R. Wheels Day.

SANTA POD APRIL 1981 Easter Internationals.

GARYS PICNIC JUNE 1981 Gary’s 3rd Picnic at Santa Pod.

EASTBOURNE JUNE 1981 Custom Car Magazine’s cruise & show.

SANTA POD JULY 1981 The 1st Cannonball Run.

BRIGHTON JULY 1981 The 4th Dragster & Custom Show.


THRUXTON AUG 1981 2nd Hot Rod & Custom Internationals.

KNEBWORTH AUG 1981 7th N.A.S.C. Nationals.

SANTA POD SEPT 1981 Daily Mirror World Finals.

OLYMPIA NOV 1981 The Supernational Custom Car Show.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1982 S.S.R. Wheels Day.

SANTA POD APRIL 1982 Easter Internationals.

SANTA POD MAY 1982 Big Go.

WEST WITTERING JUNE 1982 Victory Wheeler's 5th Rod Run.

TENTERDEN JUNE 1982 V.V.V. & C.C. Rod and Custom Run.

THRUXTON JULY 1982 3rd Hot Rod & Custom Internationals.

BRIGHTON AUG 1982 Dragster & Custom Show.

KNEBWORTH AUG 1982 8th N.A.S.C. Nationals.

ALLY PALLY OCT 1982 Custom Car Show.

SANTA POD MARCH 1983 Run What Ya Brung.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1983 S.S.R. Wheels Day.

SANTA POD APRIL 1983 Easter Drag Race.

BLACKBUSHE MAY 1983 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing and Hot Rod Show.

GARYS PICNIC JUNE 1983 Gary’s 5th Picnic at Santa Pod.

SANTA POD JULY 1983 The 3rd Cannonball Run.

THRUXTON JULY 1983 The 4th Internationals.

BLACKBUSHE AUG 1983 N.D.R.C./Street Machine Summernat’s.


YORK DRAGWAY AUG 1983 Northern Jet Nationals.

SANTA POD SEPT 1983 World Finals.

LONG MARSTON OCT 1983 N.D.R.C. bracket racing.

SANTA POD MARCH 1984 Season Opener.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1984 Surrey Street Rodders Wheelsday.

SANTA POD APRIL 1984 Easter Nationals.

HICKSTEAD APRIL 1984 The 1st Street Machine Lazy Sunday.

BLACKBUSHE MAY 1984 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing.

LONG MARSTON JUNE 1984 N.D.R.C. Springnationals.

HAYLING ISLAND JUNE 1984 Victory Wheelers 7th Rod Run.

MY FIRST HOT ROD 1934 Ford Model Y.

SANTA POD JULY 1984 Cannonball Meeting.


BLACKBUSHE AUG 1984 N.D.R.C./Street Machine Nationals.

KNEBWORTH AUG 1984 The 10th N.A.S.C. Nationals.

SANTA POD SEPT 1984 World Finals.

BLACKBUSHE SEPT 1984 The last Drag Race at Blackbushe.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1985 Surrey Street Rodders Wheelsday.

FARNBOROUGH APRIL 1985 Charity Custom Show.

LONG MARSTON MAY 1985 N.D.R.C. Speed Spectacular.

SANTA POD MAY 1985 May Day Nationals.

GARYS PICNIC JUNE 1985 The 7th Gary's Picnic at Santa Pod.

SANTA POD JULY 1985 Cannonball Meeting.

STONELEIGH JULY 1985 Custom Car Internationals.

LONG MARSTON JULY 1985 N.D.R.C. Summer Nationals.

MANSTON SEPT 1985 Drag Racing at Screamin' Alley Raceway.

BITTESWELL SEPT 1985 N.D.R.C. Autumn Finals.

SLYFIELD MARCH 1986 Surrey Street Rodders Wheelsday.

SANTA POD MARCH 1986 Easter Internationals.

BRANDS HATCH APRIL 1986 Rods & Customs at the Truck Racing.

HICKSTEAD MAY 1986 Street Machine’s 3rd Lazy Sunday.

NORTH WEALD JUNE 1986 N.D.R.C. Southern Nationals.

SHOREHAM JUNE 1986 Adur Vintage Transport Rally.

CHELSEA JUNE 1986 Cruising.

SANTA POD JULY 1986 6th Cannonball Meeting.

MANSTON JULY 1986 Drag Racing at Screamin’ Alley Raceway.

POLEGATE JULY 1986 Mid Sussex Rodders Cruise Night.

NORTH WEALD AUG 1986 N.D.R.C. Drag Racing.

DETLING AUG 1986 Show and Go.

SANTA POD SEPT 1986 World Finals.

BRIGHTON DEC 1986 Street Machine Magazine Motovation ‘86.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1987 Surrey Street Rodders 13th Wheelsday.

SANTA POD APRIL 1987 Easter Internationals.

HICKSTEAD MAY 1987 Street Machine’s 4th Lazy Sunday.

HEADLEY PARK JULY 1987 SSR Great Ape Escape.

BRUNTINGTHORPE AUG 1987 13th NASC Nationals.

SANTA POD AUG 1987 Sun Supernationals.

HICKSTEAD SEPT 1987 3rd Yankee Doodle Sunday.

SANTA POD SEPT 1987 World Finals.

SANTA POD OCT 1987 Gary’s International Doorslammers.

CHELSEA FEB 1988 Cruising.

NORTH WEALD MARCH 1988 BDRA Season Opener.

SLYFIELD APRIL 1988 Surrey Street Rodders 14th Wheelsday.

SANTA POD APRIL 1988 Easter Internationals.

SANTA POD APRIL 1988 CC/Wynns Street Racing.

BRIGHTON MAY 1988 Festival Rod and Custom Show.

CHELSEA MAY 1988 Cruising.

HAYLING ISLAND JUNE 1988 Victory Wheelers 11th Rod Run.

HICKSTEAD JUNE 1988 Street Machine’s 5th Lazy Sunday.

SANTA POD JULY 1988 Cannonball Run.

WORTHING JULY 1988 2nd Sunny Sunday.

HOOE & PEVENSEY BAY AUG 1988 Mid Sussex Rodders Run.

BRUNTINGTHORPE AUG 1988 14th NASC Nationals.

SANTA POD AUG 1988 Sun Supernationals.


BRIGHTON SEPT 1988 NSRA Brighton Rock Run.

SANDOWN PARK SEPT 1988 Street Machine Motorvation ‘88.

SANTA POD OCT 1988 Gary’s International Doorslammers.

SLYFIELD MARCH 1989 Surrey Street Rodders 15th Wheelsday.

SANTA POD MAY 1989 CC/Wynn’s Street Racing.

HAYLING ISLAND JUNE 1989 Victory Wheelers 12th Rod Run.

AVON PARK JULY 1989 NDRA Summernationals.

AVON PARK AUG 1989 15th NASC Nationals.

HICKSTEAD SEPT 1989 5th Yankee Doodle Sunday.

SANTA POD SEPT 1989 World Finals.

SANTA POD OCT 1989 International Doorslammers.

Chelsea Cruise March 1990

Ravenswood School 1990

Hayling Island 1990

Santa Pod Cannonball 1990

Hickstead 1990

Avon Park July 1990

NASC Nationals 1990

Avon Park September 1990

Santa Pod September 1990

NSRA Swap Meet 1991

Wheelsday Slyfield 1991

Felbridge 1991

Hickstead 1991

Avon Park July 1991

NSRA Supernats Knebworth 1991

Santa Pod August 1991

NSRA Hot Rod Drags 1991

Avon Park September 1991

NSRA Swap Meet 1992

Santa Pod April 1992

Wheelsday Slyfield 1992

Bexhill 100 1992

Santa Pod May 1992

Hayling Island 1992

Hickstead 1992

Worthing 1992

NSRA Supernats Knebworth 1992

NSRA Hot Rod Drags 1992

Santa Pod Sept 1992

NSRA Swap Meet 1993

Wheelsday Slyfield 1993

Santa Pod May 1993

Ardingly 1993

Hickstead 1993

North Weald August 1993

Santa Pod August 1993

North Weald September 1993

NSRA Supernats Knebworth 1993

NSRA Swap Meet 1994

Wheelsday 1994

NSRA Nostalgia Nats 1994

North Weald May 1994

Santa Pod May 1994

Santa Pod RWYB June, July, August 1994

Outlaw Anglias at Bug Jam 1994

Hayling Island 1994

Ireland 1994

NSRA Supernats Knebworth 1994

Hickstead 1994

North Weald August 1994

NSRA Hot Rod Drags 1994

Avon Park October 1994

Santa Pod RWYB April, May 1995

North Weald April 1995

Bexhill 100 1995

Santa Pod May 1995

NSRA Nostalgia Nats 1995

Santa Pod RWYB June, July 1995

North Weald July 1995

NSRA Supernats Knebworth 1995

Wales 1995

North Weald 1995

NASC Nationals 1995

NSRA Hot Rod Drags 1995

Avon Park October 1995

NSRA Swap Meet 1996

Santa Pod April 1996

Avon Park April 1996

Ravonswood School 1996

Bexhill 100 1996

NSRA Hot Rod Reunion Santa Pod 1996

Santa Pod May 1996

Hayling Island 1996

Mopar Nationals 1996

NSRA Nostalgia Nats 1996

Avon Park July 1996

NSRA Supernats Knebworth 1996

North Weald August 1996

NSRA Hot Rod Drags 1996

Santa Pod September 1996

NSRA Swap Meet 1997

Santa Pod April 1997

North Weald April 1997

Santa Pod RWYB May, June 1997

Avon Park June 1997

Avon Park July 1997

North Weald August, September 1997

Avon Park August 1997

NSRA Hot Rod Drags 1997